A Timed Floral Plein Air - Saturday, July 26th
In cooperation with Bloomsbury Farm, we are holding a plein air the likes that this area had never seen before.
- Acres and acres of fresh blooming flowers. Thousands of Zinnias, wildflowers, and maybe sunflowers for you to capture in any media you wish.
- From blank canvas to finished masterpiece is your challenge for this 4-hour event.
- You'll be watched over by hundreds of patrons from Bloomsbury Farm as they stroll the grounds for this and other art related events.
- Location: Bloomsbury Farm, Atkins, Iowa
Plein Air is French for painting outside. Usually landscape painting, but it can be flexible. Way flexible. Many artist, world wide love the freedom to paint outside. There are competitions all over the US and Europe. Painters paint what they see. The Plein Air is timed. It may be a few hours and it can be a few days. The artist paints what he or she sees.
Here is an example from our Plein Air last year of the Granger Historic Home. As we said, the artist paints what they see. The 3rd place painter won for their painting of? A gate on the property. Not the house, but the beautiful greenery covered gate. The 2nd place artist painted during the day. But he saw and painted the whole house during a moon-lit night with all the windows lit from the inside. The 1st place winner saw only a single gable and he saw it up close and in detail. This is what makes Plein Air fun to watch. 50 artists? 50 different viewpoints. And then add in that some are in oil, some acrylic, some pencil some pastel. Maybe some encaustic or textile. It is up to the artist. Come on out and watch!